Internal Dialogue

In continuation to our chats around communication, we shall explore together the Internal Dialogue. WE had explored the communication either one way or two way with other humans, non humans and matter. In one of the previous chats we had explored the sources of internal voice. Internally our mind, ego and spirit guide us. Respectively they guide us to what is logically good, what is good for me only on the short term and what is taking us eternal goodness. You can read more about that in this chat Internal vs External Communication Dialogue vs Monologue Monologue is usually expressed in our mind as a dramatic sketch performed by one actor. We can relate to this in our internal communication when we receive an endless stream of thoughts from our mind. Or when our ego gives us a war speech to heat us up to revenge from someone who didn't show us enough respect. Or, a pity speech when we didn't achieve as others. While dialogue has an acceptable meaning of a convers...