Internal vs External Communication

We continue to explore communication as one of the vital activities for any community to remain alive. For the community here, we speak not only about human beings but it includes animals and plants.
As we defined communication before, it is the act of receiving a piece of information and sending one back. we are used to communicating with our external world. in different forms.

  • Two ways verbal communication which is some form of discussion or chatting
  • One or two was gesture communication where we send a broadcast or a directed expression
  • One way verbal or visual communication which is the one we receive via any sort of media like TV or street ads
  • Two-way energy communication with nonliving or non-human forms of life
All this was detailed in our previous chats if you like to have a look back to them:

 But, What about internal communication what are the source of this one way or Two-way communication?

Most of the time it is a one-way link where our mind, ego or spirit is pointing out something to us. 
  • The mind is quickly analyzing and supplying us with a stream of thoughts about the situation we are in or any question we ask. This stream of thought is stemming from our previous experiences, any stories we heard or read before, or a used to routine. Usually, it seems very logical and appealing to us.
  • The ego is a defense mechanism responsible for protecting our physical and emotional body and gaining wins. It might recommend illogical actions through a repetitive loud threatening voice that we respond immediately mindlessly.  Those wins are happening here and now while ignoring anybody else and even ignoring our future targets. Its ultimate goal is to feel safe, wining and to revenge fiercely.
  • The spirit has a faint voice. It is the most compassionate component of your existence. It is always loving you, loving humanity and all life form you follow s. It only recommends in a low voice. It has no insistence that you follow its guidance. It has an overview of your life and what serves you better to be the best version of you. It has no regret for any missed chances. It is sure that you are all the time served with opportunities that you might choose from. It is sure that wherever you are, there is a route to be better. To listen to its recommendations you need to lower the external and other internal voices and catch the whisper that comes to you when you look for guidance.
  • Our inner self or spirit deserves one further note. To receive its messages, you need to know how or actually where it sends its message and how to interpret it. Simply, try a small game. When you are purchasing a melon, without applying any logic or analysis for its looking and texture, ask your gut: Is it a good choice? give yourself a few seconds to receive the reply and scan your body where did you receive it? You might feel your gut contracted or relaxed, you might feel something in your hands or legs or you feel your chest light or heavy. Then take it or pick another one and repeat the same game. When you return home and taste it, reflect on your feelings at this moment. Like this, you are on your way to building a good relationship with it.
The back communication from our side can only occur when we are conscious enough to listen to these voices mindfully and comment back on them by accepting, refusing or fine-tuning,. Another form of dialogue occurs when we intentionally try to program the ego or the mind to respond in a different way that serves us better. As an example, try to control the angry reply you are used to producing in return to your team losing a match or receiving a cold pizza.

Can someone else hear our internal voice?

The continuous advancement of knowledge and technology leads to the development of tools and sensors capable of collecting sounds, magnetic fields and, smells in the form of chemicals beyond the human senses. This technical revolution also allowed us to record those signals for a very long period. The growth of data analysis sciences using computerized mathematical models enabled us to record patterns in those signals and then interpret them in some logical ways or change one or two parameters and see the effect on the data. This led us to understand the communication models between animals, insects, and plants.

How is this related to our Internal voice?

Scientists long ago managed to record the brain signals and relate it to the different activities and reactions within our bodies. They managed also to record the chemical changes in our bloodstream, our blood pressure,  the facial expressions, the eye impressions and many other signals within our body. Data Analysis and mass data collections enabled them to make patterns out of these signals and use them to predict what we really feel regardless of how we say we feel.

To understand the process you can read this article from the Guardian. Researchers develop device that can 'hear' your internal voice . It is using the same process. It record some electrical pulses from your face and head and you record what words were inside you at this instant. After 15 min, it can work by itself with accuracy 90%.

One of the first areas that applied this science long ago and still developing it are the lie detectors. Have a look to this article from the guardian. The race to create a perfect lie detector – and the dangers of succeeding.

In Conclusion:

The internal voice can work for you if you showed it what you really wants and trained yourself how to receive its messages.


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