Why we live? The pinnacle of life

We had explored in our previous chat that communication is not only words exchanged between humans. Communication has a deeper meaning of exchanging our uniqueness with the world. Our Uniqueness is not expected to be something magnificent, fantastic or mysterious. It is simply who we really are. It is our cheerfulness, freshness, basic skills, little knowledge or even our fears. Is sharing our fears helping the world? Yes, It is and in many ways. The starting point is to be conscious and aware of what you are sharing and the reaction of your community. The second step, is to have an intention of benefiting from this sharing. Benefit here comes in the sense of expanding my happiness and diminishing my fears. The third step is to have an intention of helping others. Now, the benefits of sharing your fear with the world while you are conscious: You will encourage others to speak of their fears: You will not feel alone and then you will feel better They will not feel as lef...