Beyond the prison of words

Words are very important part of our lives. However Communication is not only words. There a lot of energy messages, gestures, eye contacts, telepathy and many more exchanged between human , livings other than humans and even, non livings. Words gained their power from being the explicit expression of who we are and what we believe. Moreover, in this time dimension we are held accountable for the words we say. Words carry energy. They carry the energy of the sender. This energy might be loving and caring or envying and hating. The words are delivered enveloped in the sender's energy. History says that "Speak that I can see you" was first said by Socrates. It is a wise quote because expressing your thoughts in words is like drawing an image for you that I can see it. If you try to deliver a false image, you may deceive some people for some time but not everyone for all the time. A word that carry a paragraph of meanings Most spiritual practices all over the globe starts w...