Why we live? The pinnacle of life

We had explored in our previous chat that communication is not only words exchanged between humans. Communication has a deeper meaning of exchanging our uniqueness with the world. Our Uniqueness is not expected to be something magnificent, fantastic  or mysterious. It is simply who we really are. It is our cheerfulness, freshness, basic skills, little knowledge or even our fears.

Is sharing our fears helping the world?

Yes, It is and in many ways. The starting point is to be conscious and aware of what you are sharing and the reaction of your community. The second step, is to have an intention of benefiting from this sharing. Benefit here comes in the sense of expanding my happiness and diminishing my fears. The third step is to have an intention of helping others. 
Now, the benefits of sharing your fear with the world while you are conscious:
  • You will encourage others to speak of their fears:
    • You will not feel alone and then you will feel better
    • They will not feel as leftovers anymore and so they will feel better
    • Being in a group of similar beings can support you take some leaps. It is opposite to when you feel alone in a problem. You are afraid to take an action to solve it as this will make it appear on the surface to those whom you think are different. Your expectation from those whom you perceive as better  is that they will make fun out of your pain or disrespect you
    • You will have the option to compare yourself to those who are slightly better or worse than you.. This will give you the opportunity to feel some advantage which might create a little relief for you. Moreover it may highlight a small step that you can take to catch up with those who are slightly better than you.
  • You will receive support
    • Receive some proposals for solutions. Those solutions might not came to your mind.
    • Read some success stories in overcoming this problem that you might never expected.
    • See a wider view of the problem that is full of opportunities for solutions
  • You will see clearly
    • Whether you believe that there is a lot of viciousness in the world or just a little cruelty. You may encounter some of those who don't have mercy for weak.
    • That's a great opportunity to kick them out of your world and close the door.

      When you are healed from any negative emotion your energy that is your being will be added to the good, positive or high vibes - whatever you like to call- in the world.
      This energy flow that you had created in the world will create a healing flow that you can't imagine how far its effect will go. You can't even imagine for how long it will stay or after how many years someone will benefit from it.

Communicating our wisdom

To cut it short, any experience you had passed by is your wisdom. 

Again we would like to stress on the fact that those experiences need not be super natural or breathtaking to be worth communicating to the world. We are all one but in different stages of life. If you didn't brew you first cup of coffee or didn't cook your first recipe, you are in need for someone who did. On the other hand, you might be great a bicycling or skating and a lot of people aren't. 
Either ways we underestimate what we do easily and glorify what we can't do. Both views are not optimum or helpful for the flow of life. We are not superior to anyone because we had excelled one thing or even done it successfully for a couple of time. The reality is that we have a mission to share our experience to the world  We are not below anyone because there are things that we can't do. Just we need to be clear about what we can't do. Is it needed in our life? Is it a false need implanted in our minds from the society or media? Or , is it some chattering of the mind and  confusion or we did not explore enough around what we really want? Which of them  that popped up the idea that it is a must to do that thing? If it is a real need, the way is below. If there is no real need, drop it, it is a distraction.

The way out

Never feel that what separates you from something you want is a mighty barrier. It is only a matter of intending to do, finding an example, consistency, acceptance of successes and failures and then achieving. Achieving is not the end of the trip. It is the start of the second phase of the trip, that is sharing our experience to the world. 
Again, make sure it is a valid target for you. When a you ask a fish to have a target of climbing a tree, is the same when you try to explore how to be an astronaut in your 40's.

There is a false perception about wisdom. That Wisdom is long, rhythmic, mysterious words spoken from a weird looking person. If you don't understand a talk then, it is not the wisdom that you need at this stage of you life. Don't rush to what is perceived by others as wisdom. There is no one all size wisdom. The wisdom for you are those words or examples that creates an AHA moment for you now. Tomorrow after you had explored and experienced  a little more of what created your AHA moment, you will find more deeper meanings that touch you and add to you.

When you touches your deepest wisdom, you will live your simplest life but that's the topic of a next chat.

Be aware of the wisdom traps

If the same topics and same ideas continue to be your great discoveries, then you are at the same point. Staying at the same point for sometime till you digest the information is accepted but don't stay tool long in grade one. Allow yourself to grow and explore more and whatever you digest, you communicate it to the world. This way you are contributing to the flow of life energy.
Many of us read and acquire knowledge. Few of this many,  had put this knowledge into action. The majority don't do either of them. They don't have patience to read and understand and don't have the courage to try. Sharing your wisdom or conveying what you had digested from the wisdom of others opens the gates and lightens the road to many others to follow their path. 
Don't despise those who doesn't have the patience to read or the courage to explore. They are waiting for you to help them and give them a valid example that is withing reach. It is our target to express ourselves as we purely are. That's the wisdom many others are waiting for. Don't let them wait so long.

In Conclusion,

The pinnacle of life is to share our wisdom to others. Don't exaggerate  the meaning of the wisdom. It simply means your knowings and experiences. It means lessons learned from your failure as those learned from you success. It includes the simple steps as well as the deep knowledge.  We are here to communicate our true self from our true self to humanity.


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