
Showing posts from April, 2020

Happiness Triggers

Environmental We can't escape the fact that many items we encounter in our daily life trigger our emotions either consciously or subconsciously. Imagine your morning cup of coffee or the flower scent near your favorite parking location not to say your dearest perfume. All these items enter our energy field that surrounds our bodies and are sensed by our subconscious mind and it triggers hormones in our bloodstream that ignites the happiness, joyfulness, excitement or many other feelings stored in our library of memories in association with this environmental trigger....... Being a conscious trigger or not depends on whether we intended to get exposed to this stimulus or at least related what we felt to what caused it even if we were not intending moving in this direction or taking a sip of coffee now. The unconscious trigger is when we get the feeling but we are not sure what caused it. Conscious triggers on the positive side of the scale When we intend to do certain ...

Internal vs External Communication

We continue to explore communication as one of the vital activities for any community to remain alive. For the community here, we speak not only about human beings but it includes animals and plants. As we defined communication before, it is the act of receiving a piece of information and sending one back. we are used to communicating with our external world. in different forms. Two ways verbal communication which is some form of discussion or chatting One or two was gesture communication where we send a broadcast or a directed expression One way verbal or visual communication which is the one we receive via any sort of media like TV or street ads Two-way energy communication with nonliving or non-human forms of life All this was detailed in our previous chats if you like to have a look back to them: Next Chat, communication to other forms of life How do we approach each other?  But, What about internal communication what are the source of this one way or...

تعرف على قوتك الداخلية

"عندما نوسع آفاق تفكيرنا و معتقداتنا، يطفو حبنا بحرية. و بالمقابل عندما نقلص هذه الآفاق، نغلق على أنفسنا، بنفسنا". لويز هاى القوة الداخلية  إنّ طاقتك الداخلية هي عبارة عن تلك القوة التي لا تستطيع مشاهدتها أو لمسها أو جسّها باستخدام حواسك الخمسة المجرّدة، لكنها تلك التي يمكن أن تشعر بتأثيرها عليك أو التي يمكن أن تشاهد  أثرها في الأشياء والبيئة المحيطة من حولك، وكلما تواصلت مع قوتك الداخلية كلما استطعت خلق حياة أكثر وسعا و ازدهارا....  فعليك أن تؤمن بأنك تمتلك حرية الاختيار فى استخدام هذه القوة كيفما تشاء..  فقوتك الداخلية تكمن فى المعتقدات و الأفكار و النوايا و الرغبات و المشاعر التى تخدمك و تخدم رسالتك...  قوتك الداخلية فى هنا و الآن...  فإذا اخترت ان تعيش فى الماضى و أحداثه السلبية المؤلمة، فستظل مسجون فى نفس مكانك..  و أما إذا اخترت بوعى ان تتجاوز الماضى و خلق حياة جديدة، فستساعدك قوتك الداخلية على عيش خبرات حياتية جديدة و سعيدة...  فلا احد غيرك يتحكم بحياتك..  فإما ان تستعمل قوتك الداخلية بحكمة..  او تهدرها و تسئ...

Next Chat, communication to other forms of life

We had spent some time together exploring and understanding how we communicate with each other directly and indirectly and what affects the communication channels. You can find a summary of this in the below 2 previous chats: How do we approach each other? How are the communication filters programmed? In this Next Chat we shall explore our communication with our neighbors on planet earth. Whether it is another form of life or even non-living things. Do we really communicate with nonliving things?      Let us delve a little bit into our daily life. There are certain things that we come across daily since we wake up. Every one of us has his own morning routine. But we all can relate to the following things that we deal with daily.  The first few moments when we are in the warmth of our bed and we feel grateful to it for nice night sleep. The morning cup of coffee The exercise mate. The track we run or wake on in the morning. Our car or any other f...