Next Chat, communication to other forms of life

    We had spent some time together exploring and understanding how we communicate with each other directly and indirectly and what affects the communication channels. You can find a summary of this in the below 2 previous chats:

    In this Next Chat we shall explore our communication with our neighbors on planet earth. Whether it is another form of life or even non-living things.

Do we really communicate with nonliving things? 

    Let us delve a little bit into our daily life. There are certain things that we come across daily since we wake up. Every one of us has his own morning routine. But we all can relate to the following things that we deal with daily.
  •  The first few moments when we are in the warmth of our bed and we feel grateful to it for nice night sleep.
  • The morning cup of coffee
  • The exercise mate.
  • The track we run or wake on in the morning.
  • Our car or any other form of transportation that take us to work, school or uni
  • Our watch, our wallet, our comb, our shoes, or any other accessories
  • Our mobile phone or tablet
Any of these "things" that we use daily are affected by our energy field and carry our stamp on it. Even if you didn't notice this before, give yourself a chance tomorrow to feel the cup of coffee or the exercise mate as you touch it. The experience would be deeper if you start talking to any of them; you feel more engaged with. Some of us had already a more engaging experience with his car as he talks to it while warming up before embarking on the new day trip to work or market. 

After sometimes, we start listening to the energy messages these things carry and convey to us and we feel them as part of the family.
Most of us have some sort of life experience with those "things", Many carry memories from events we passed together. So, sometimes a refreshing reminder pops up to your mind as you hold the key chain or put on your shoes. Some of them support you by confidence feeling like a favorite dress or necklace. Which of them let you feel it is your lucky day? Did any device break down as you were thinking of a new replacement?

Those "things" are built up of atoms and molecules that are in continuous motion just as we are. They look different because their data is differingt. But they have their own energy fields and silent intelligence. 

But what about living things?

That's a deeper connection. Your realization of a tree in your way as it grows or changes its leaves between seasons and the birds inhibit it, creates a bond with that tree especially. Whenever you are passing you get your eyes attracted to it rather than any other tree in the same neighborhood. This connection grows deeper for the plants that you have inside your home or in your backyard. The care you give to them and the smile you share with them, even your pains when you talk it to them are already sensed and stored.
Why did I start with plants before pets? Because you don't receive direct feedback from them. You feel their love back through a subtle smell arousing, when you see a new leaf born on one of the branches or when a flower blossoms launching 1000 stars in your day and drawing a deep gratitude smile on your face. That's how they in return express their love to you, by just being and continue growing. 

Pets are a totally different story. They continue all their life with the soul of a little child. They express their emotions immediately in return. Like babies, their emotions are bounded to basic non-complex expressions as excitement, joy, curiosity, fear, and anger. When you are blessed with a pet at home, you have a friend, a child, a loving heart and much more. They add life to your home. They get used to your daily routine and help you with it. You can spend hours speaking to them and they listen with care and understanding of the feelings if not the words.

What links us all together?

In a nutshell, we as humans, other living friends as plants, flowers, trees, pets, dogs, cats, lizards and, non-living friends as a car, cups, mobile, and many others shares a magnetic field. It surrounds us all and binds us together. If we feed this field with love and compassion, the same is imprinted in the magnetic field of those who collocates with us or whom we think about. 

Stay in love, till we chat again


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