Why my body messages are painful?

 A short answer: What takes you attention? Being full of energy or Being drained and tired to death?

If you feel energetic, you continue running and you don't stop to relate to the conditions that made you happy, light and energetic. If you feel tired and you feel difficulty to reach up with some of your daily routines or what you do, just then you stop to ask yourself: 

  • What is the matter with me?
  • What could be the reason?
  •  Am I ill? Is it my Throat or my Stomach?
  •  Did I get enough sleep?
  • May be this cold breeze of yesterday caused it?
If you are at a higher step of consciousness, awareness or a spiritual journey, you will ask a little bit different questions:

  • Why I am feeling low vibes?
  • What changed my mood?
  • What drained my energy?
    Or even better: 
  • Am I resisting something yet to come or escaping from it? 
  • What emotions came to me before starting to feel tired or drained?
  • Were there some news that I didn't accept?

Important Note about levels of awareness or consciousness:

It is not a race that you want to win or you target to be ahead of competitors. It is a tool that will let you understand you real consciousness position. Next, you will take actions that match your level of awareness. Taking the wrong pill or the wrong advise won't solve your problem but might add to it. If you don't understand or believe that there is life energy flowing through us called "chi", you won't be able to digest and take proper action if a friend advised you to clear the blockages at the Heart Chakra.
It is like when you were in the first few years of school, you learned how to calculate the area of different shapes as a rectangle or a triangle. You were taught that it will help you to know the amount of paint needed for a wall. At this age, no one told you that the area is the integration of the straight line equation between two limits, you won't be able to digest it and use it.
So there are no superiority in the levels of awareness, but there is someone who started yesterday and someone who is starting tomorrow. Who started yesterday is at step one today. While, who will start tomorrow he is still at step zero today. He will continue at step zero till he starts. Then he can walk, run or jump along his path ad reach to unprecedented levels of awareness. It all starts after step 1.

What is the relation between pain and moving forward?

That's one of the reasons of physical pain in our body. There are 100's of emotional and energy related reasons for the pains we feel in our body. It needs books to speak about them all but we are going to touch only one or more of them in this chat. 
If you are going to walk on a path to your work, your school, your profession, your hobby or your desire while you feel a lot of people are ahead of you. Or, they are on the right track for them and that's your wrong track. This means that you compare yourself to others who had started this path from a long or short period before you.  Now, you are facing a fork on the road. 
  1. Either you will feel engaged in a road paved to you by others. You have clear targets to reach and clear steps to move forward. The remaining is your creativity that will add your secret ingredient to the mix. The result will be an added value to the universe out of a subject well known by many. That's the bright side of the story which will let us wake up daily energized, rejuvenated and curious about our new steps. Those high vibes immune us from physical pains and shields us from negative energies.
  2. Or, You will feel lump in your throat and you will be afraid. You will continue with your legs shaking. As long as you continue on the path that you had started with those feelings, your subconscious mind is building a defense mechanism to protect you from that is hurting you continuously. Meanwhile the universe is reflecting your fear by showing you frightening situations o your path. Images of failures  and troublesome path will route those fear feelings deeper in your energy body. Now your subconscious mind had became ready with your dense mechanism. You feel tied up to the ground or to the bed. You feel unwilling to wake up in the morning. The crown defense happens when you start to feel physical pain, illness or energy depletion that prevents you from going on on this path. The crazy choice is when you continue going down this rabbit hole due to a false perception that life is always tiring like this.

Don't accept pain as a normal part of your life

Sometimes you feel clueless and helpless. You are willing to jump away but your legs are tight to the ground. The responsibilities the society shoulders you,  the dream of your parents that you need to fulfill on their behalf or, the  social praising for the path you had taken, all of those outer influences tight your legs more on this path. Your willing to jump away is either coming out of fear as we had explained in option two above or, stemming from impatience to the unfolding of the new path. Again those feelings will route some resistance, inflammations or blocks in your energy body. As they grow bigger, they are transformed into some physical reactions of your body. Some of the common physical symptoms that we take them for granted as an accepted part or accepted pain in our life are headache in any of its levels, bowel problems either constipation or diarrhea. Some of them are everlasting and some are popping up at situations. Like being cautious in eating on the day of travelling or before meetings or exams. The crazy idea that you consider this normal and the cumulative consciousness enforces this idea as a common sense. Then you don't search for a solution of the real problem. The real problem was the fear or the resistance that generated a physical symptom to convey you a message that you can get and comprehend. If you had spent some of your precious time trying to find the spiritual root of the problem and to solve it, it would have saved you a lot of time and physical effort to accommodate with the problem.

A final note:

We are created as humans trapped inside the time. We grow with time but, we get old with time. Regardless of the amount of time needed but as long as we live in the time-based dimension, everything takes time to unfold and flourish just in the correct time. You are on a path that is either selected for you by the collective consciousness or you had selected away from the herd direction. In both cases, you are destined to be unique. You receive messages that you can understand to detour from a path that is not yours but everyone else is taking. Or, to support you n a path that you may find yourself alone on it but, it is your true purpose of existence. The messages are physical pains if we receive and pay attention only in this way. Chose to receive your messages through love inspirations. Be ready to listen and adhere to it. This will free you from the pain messages. Stay safe.


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