Jump to the right pendulum for you

 We had learned together that we hide our true self because we are afraid of being vulnerable. We are afraid that we do not match the social standards of health, wealth, beauty and many other frames that the society bounded us in. Read more about it here: Tear OFF your hiding mask.

Moreover, we push our loved ones inside these frames. My baby started walking or talking at an early age. My child is the top of his class in needless education. My partner is the most romantic, powerful, caring, beautiful and so on. The strange part is that we try to match ourselves to all the society norms even the negative parts of it. We turn grayed hair at a  certain age and we start speaking about the age related illnesses and amount of pills we take daily.

The positive norms that help us like meditating, fitness exercises, and reading are selected by some people also as a way to gain the society acceptance by being within the norm. 

We need to be ourselves. But we need to be conscious if this version of ourselves adds to us or diminishes us. 

Jump to the right pendulum

Understand Life Pendulums 

We shall discuss it from 3 or 4 points of view. Every point of view is true for its holder as long as he or she believes in it. The trap lies in the area covered by this point of view.

You are a student. Regardless of your believes about the education system. You are within a global pendulum. This pendulum is so powerful that it discriminates the whole people on earth based on their education level. Yes, there are successful examples who did not continue their education but they had another igniting power within them. They hold their believes against the education pendulum by riding another one of the success. The education perception would keep looking to you as a loser until you succeed in another pendulum, then the society starts to look to you from the perspective of the new pendulum you had succeeded in and forgets all about the frame that labeled you as a loser in.

Now, you don't feel like studying. And you want to be yourself. So, you decided that you would not put an effort in the school or university and you care nothing about the marks or the society perception. People in this stage are on 3 or 4 sides. 

Different Reaction to Pendulums

First type, they resist the situation and the pendulum and keep affirming to themselves that they do not want it. However, they do nothing else. They stay like this for years. The darkness increases in their life and they move very hard to any next step. 

The second type, they try to satisfy their parents, their society , they do OK and then leave the education time and start looking for what will keep them OK from the point of view of the society. In other words which social frame  I need to fit in now. They look for their own cage even if it is a golden one.

Other group, they look for the praising and they live on it, so they do an extreme effort to be the best. Then look for the second thing to be the best and the WOW compliments on their achievement keep them alive. They usually look for someone who gives them this praising feedback to stay alive. Some day on their time line when they are alone, they feel that all those accomplishments are nothing. They had never felt their achievements. It was always the outside praising that they were looking for. So when outside praising  stopped all their great achievements were nothing to them no matter how other people sees it amazing. Unless this amazing feedback is given to them by the external world they do not feel the value of their precious gems. 

The 4th type, they do not believe in the education and they do not believe in putting some effort to it but they understand the universal law of the energy flow. As much energy as I put to the world as much as it will flow to my life. So they focus during the education time on their values, what they can give to the world and they sharpen their skills starting from zero to hero. Now after years, regardless of their education results, they are living their dreams as a reality and continuing to dream and realize their dreams. Society's praising or opposing for them is not awaited or resisted. They are the fuel of their own live. 

Let Pendulums support you time line

Why we had used the education as an example because we all pass by those years. Either for 8, 9. 12, 16, 17 or more years, that is part of our journey in life. And our journey is a time trip. You move on the time line regardless of what you are doing and what you feel about your experiences. If you had spent 17 years in the education without understanding life, you will feel lost after the education years. Because education system does not teach you life. It builds a datum line to make you equal to every one else. Those who are not equal either they had wasted their education years or boosted it with understanding life.

You do not understand life only  reading about it but by taking your first step in it. From zero you start. You stumble, you run, however you start is not important. You select a destination and you move forward towards it. Your sails and wind might take you to a different shore but surely it would be on the right track. Whether you are praised or not. Not important. You flow forward. Like water.  If water stops it rotten, when it flows it is alive. Put your first output to the world and the second one and the 100's one. Do not care about the results, care only about moving forward and putting energy to the world. Life energy will continue flowing to you back to complete the loop. Holding back the water flow will make it useless. 

Sun Shines again as usual

The beauty of life and its mercy appears when the water flows again it turns alive, fresh and useful again. There is no good time to start. So start now. Experience life and ask to be taught by love and not by  fear. For every moment you held yourself back, say sorry to yourself. Stay safe and move forward.

“I’ve learned that fear is simply an illusion based on past experiences that we project into the present and onto the future.”
― Gabrielle Bernstein, Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Discovering Self-Love and Miracles

Recommended Listening to boost your timeline: Healing Laughter Miracles!


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