Beyond the prison of words

 Words are very important part of our lives. However Communication is not only words. There a lot of energy messages, gestures, eye contacts, telepathy and many more exchanged between human , livings other than humans and even, non livings. Words gained their power from being the explicit expression of who we are and what we believe. Moreover, in this time dimension we are held accountable for the words we say. Words carry energy. They carry the energy of the sender. This energy might be loving and caring or envying and hating. The words are delivered enveloped in the sender's energy. History says that "Speak that I can see you" was first said by Socrates. It is a wise quote because expressing your thoughts in words is like drawing an image for you that I can see it. If you try to deliver a false image, you may deceive some people for some time but not everyone for all the time.

A word that carry a paragraph of meanings

Most spiritual practices all over the globe starts with words. Even though you might be not understanding the words if it is in old Sanskrit. Someone translates the feeling behind the word from his inherited believes. You can read about it more here: "7 Mantras to Create the Life You Want".  A one word can be explained in a paragraph. Many of those ancient words were not following firm grammatical rules. They were just sounds that denotes a meaning or a feeling. The response was auto generated in the receiver consciousness and was taking him to the exactly right directions. 

Fortunately or Unfortunately, humanity evolved. You can take it both ways. The evolution of humanity in the direction humans had selected entitled firm rules for using the words. Those rules allowed the transfer of knowledge and spiritual practice to a majority of humans in a clear and easy to follow way. They were able to comprehend it, apply it and some of them built a new understanding upon it. That's the fortunate part. You can see that any info you think of is available in a clear language and in your own language. You can easily get it, use it and the, forget it. However you are quite trusting that you can return back to it anytime you need it again. Those who keeps a lot of information in their minds and are ready to answer any question are titled professionals and monks. 

What was lost by the rigid structured transfer?

The unfortunate part we missed was the unspoken part of the words. Let we investigate it on the scientific and spiritual examples. Spiritually when you ascend, you are able to communicate with powers higher than you with only thoughts and no spoken words. Even at a higher level, without thoughts, there are just feelings of peace and contentment with the higher realms that you wish you never return back to the earthy timeline. You can find in any spiritual tradition those on the first steps looking for what words to say and what body gesture they need to take. They do a lot of effort  to be accepted by the higher power. The monks of this spiritual tradition are setting those rules and words for those who can comprehend only the material words and gestures and gifts to the source. The monks themselves have times when they don't speak, move or sense our physical words. They leave this physical body alive for us in this dimension and follow their spirt to the higher realms where they feel the oneness with the source. Those moments and experiences are beyond the words explanation. It is not a physical experience to be explained in physical words and senses. Even the religions which have some form of physical written books, have its monks and priests communicating to the source at a different level than the written words. 

The trap most of us are in at this moment is that we accepted to be at a different lower spiritual level. Why? Because this highly connected levels needs devotion and difficult hard practices that we can't reach. The next trap is that the road to this spiritual realms is paved with pain and suffering. You need this suffering to be clarified from what physically described as sins and that needs hard efforts. If you think of this who is in the higher realm and all monks try to reach, you can find so close to you, inside your soul which is a part of you. In case you can't see it inside you, watch the subtle flowerıng of a little amazingly beautiful flower and a small green weed beside it and look to the tiny creatures that feed and live around them. This who created these beauty is near to us and at our reach in simple ways. This flower or ant knows only to be as it is naturally and that's its top worship.

Real Scientists breaks the prison of science

Scientifically, People on the scientific track are on two main roads. Those who restudy what is studied and advocate this knowledge as the best ideas of the human kind. They continue to revalidate it and nullify any other research that opposes or redirects the scientific mind to another track. On this same track, you will find those who focus their research on the trends. So when there is a trending food regime as keto now, many study it to prove its benefits or its drawbacks. This pendulum shaped a new life timeline where keto regime is a fact.

The alternative track are those scientists who look beyond the knowledge and the trends recorded in words and researches. They look from a different unwritten prospect and invent or a discover something new that is not written in words. After some time, the new discovery changes to a norm and set of rules that no one can break. At the end of the day, saying some different words will cost you some low grades and may be rejection if you are not saying what is in the book and dictated by the teacher or the professor. Not everyone is ready to live this disruptive model. By the way this applies for new scientific discoveries and new business models.

To sum up,

The word and the structured words that make a religious book or a scientific one or even that tells  you how to make a business model, are great starting points. The fallacy is in worshipping the man made rules  and not to think beyond it. Thinking out of the box or out of the prison of the written words is intentionally made frightening. At the end of the day many do not like to be Galileo Galilei when he said that the earth rotates around the sun. Let we think how to use the words to draw a picture of our life in a coming calmer chat. Till then stay safe.


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