Communication and the happiness filter

Why we communicate?

As we agreed, communication is conveying a message and receiving a reply or another message in many forms more than the merely spoken or heard words.
The transmission and reception take place for different reasons. The most basic functional motivation of which is either giving a piece of information or asking for one. Other activators for communication would be expressing a feeling, cheering for or being compassionate to other forms of living creatures not only humans, expressing an opinion with or against, giving a preprogrammed reply which is sometimes nowadays replaced by emojis 👌💓😓.

Spontaneous reactions are when we don't process the input message enough to be fully aware of it and then issue a reply message. To be fully aware of a communication we need to ask ourselves on the 5 W's Who, what, when, where & why?

Auto-replies pop up in other cases as when we reply a Good Morning or bless someone who sneezes, when we scream of fear or pain, when we are taken by a sudden question like do you know this or that?

Conscious communication

If we don't have enough attention for the conversation, we don't pass what we receive through the 5 W's filters and so we allow our answers to be conditioned based on a past experience or a desirable result. Those preconditioning bases act like filters that are tuned with time. Both in and out filters prevent the reception and issuance of some of the words, feelings or gestures. We might not hear a compliment word from someone we hate or a claim from someone we love. Had you ever asked someone to repeat his words because your subconscious mind received some words that are not matching the perception filter his/her words are passed through and these words or shapes are dropped that they didn't reach your conscious mind.

If we manage to know our filters, we shall have the option to detune these filters or tune them to what serves us most. Many of us are tuned to sense any negative attitude, words, reactions, eye contact or body gesture in any situation and this filter triggers the defense or attack mechanisms in our body. But do we have equally powerful filters that sense the probable source of happiness in any situation we are in and allow it to ignite internal happiness?

See, listen, feel the happiness

Happiness comes in many forms; health, abundance, fulfilling relations, expansion, easy flow with life, adventures, self-recognition, self-love, peace of mind, ............ . We need to set up some clues for those forms so our thinking mind can find them easily in the situation and relate those clues to the form of happiness we anticipate at discovering this clue.
I used to hear from Abraham Hicks that any situation pops up with equal probability to bring to us happiness or stress and it unfolds depending on how our subconscious mind will react to it. This preprogrammed reaction by our subconscious mind is what I like to call a filter through which we see, hear or sense. This applies as an example of how we see our vacation as a tiring trip and packing and unpacking or an adventure to do new things.

So, we need to know our definition of happiness and all that we need to do in any situation is to look at how this situation is taking us towards the forms that we defined for happiness. As the example of the holiday trip, will it trigger the tiredness or the excitement programs? The more we intentionally chose a reaction of anticipating happiness the more we tune or in other words program our subconscious mind to pop up the happiness magnifying glasses that look for the clues of happiness in this situation.

Does it worth the effort?

The results of this effort are rewarding due to the more joyfulness we shall find and the more it will be gifted to us because that's what we are looking for all the time. What we look for all the time, is what we are attention to and where our energy flows. It is like we are constantly tuning our filters to the detect and acknowledge the signs of happiness even if they were faint and that's what we shall find.
This wisdom is coming from experience.


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