How do we approach each other?

In previous chats, we highlighted some facts that exist in our lives regardless we are not aware of it or not. We had come closer to understand that communication whether conscious or not constitutes a major part of our daily life. Today we shall delve deeper into the forms of communication and how it changes based on our relationship to the other side of the communication. We communicate with:
  • Whom we know directly and accept in our life, via words or gestures to respond for a question and action or to give a comment even our opinion wasn't explicitly invited. That sort of relationship has more communication channels in it than any other relationship. You can receive  messages from your friends (from work, education, neighborhood), partner, close family members  through  their
    • Vibes
    • Eye expressions
    • Voice
    • Reactions
    Those non-verbal communications send us messages that they want to deliver to us without words. The same channels, vibes, eye expressions, voice, and reactions convey to us an impression about how the other side is feeling at this moment. Didn't you notice yourself asking a friend "Are you ok today?" simply because he is not joking or claiming as usual. Moreover, you generate unconscious impressions about this close circle via reading nonconventional signs as:
    • Dress if colors or style is changed
    • A hairstyle, if it is new or hair is left undressed
    • Makeup for women and beard for men, increased, decreased or colors changed
  • Also, we communicate with whom we don't know directly but they exist in our environment as in the case of work or education colleagues, neighbors or those we see repeatedly in public places. Messages in this relationship are transmitted through a broadcast. Our public figure -as how we are dressed, our car and other physical stuff-, our vibes, our friends that we are commonly sitting with, and other attitudes generate a hologram that others interpret based on their own reception filters. They create an image of us that may never exist. 
    There is a possibility to convey a direct message to a certain person in this circle but, the message here needs to be directed toward that person so the energy in it will grasp their attention to our message. This can happen using
    • A fixed, directed eye expression of compassion anger or love
    • An increased voice level
    • A Physical reaction within their energetic boundaries  
    • Once our intention is to direct this message to some specific person, he receives it regardless they acknowledge it or not.
  • Another form of communication is with those whom we don't know or see in person but our social accounts convey a message about us to them and vice versa
    • That's is similar to broadcasting a very limited view of us, as if we allow people to see through a hole in the wall or through the keyway. 
    • Even those who extensively share their daily life on social media they show us one side of their life even it is the misery one.
    • By the way, the opposite is true, when we follow other people on social media we see only a very limited view of their life and our imagination completes or invents the rest of the story
    •  Sometimes when we sneak to other social media accounts without showing ourselves as followers or without leaving an impression we are afraid to show our interest in knowing more about this person. Even though we know that we are not seeing the reality, curiosity keeps dragging us down the rabbit hole. If you had done this before, you are not alone. There is an app now called instasnoop that does this work for you while you are totally disguised. Since there is an app and Business Insider speaks about, then there is a market for this app and you are not alone.
    Next Chat we shall explore our communication to nonhuman forms of life and even unliving things.


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