Is there a forced communication

We had being speaking for a while about the forms of communication we practice or encounter in our life from verbal to gesture to feelings. We had also examined broadcasting and direct vs indirect messaging and the communication to living and non living forms in our life.

Today we need to find an answer to the question; is there a forced form of communication?

Well Yes. And they are many and we deliberately force people to communicate with us and we are forced to communicate to others. In other words, not every communication is running or initiated willingly from both sides. Also, when we are pushed to stop what we are doing and to do something else, that's a forced communication. 

But, when we are a part of forced communication?

I will give you some examples about the interrogative or detective form:

  • Let we start few or many years ago depending on how many years you were a colleague on the planet earth.We are not all born with the same talkative nature. At home or school we were  requested to answer questions and give some explanation. We might even be considered impolite or lose marks if not punished for not giving a full answer.
  • Equally as we were rebuked for being not attentive to mother's advice or a teacher explanation, we are reprimanding others when they don't pay attention to our advice
  • Were you ever blamed because you didn't praise on time the new look of your friend's hair style? Every time after that you were reminding yourself to be aware of what had changed since your last meeting to avoid the blame. Sometimes, you praise a dress on a doubt that it is a new one.
  • What about praising your mother's cooking and your aunt's cakes.
  • When someone is shouting at you and you don't understand why? most of the times it is a misunderstanding., isn't it?
  • What if you had done something wrong while you were not paying attention and then you need to answer, Why did you do this?

Other forms are the obtrusive form of forced communication, let we have some examples about it:

  • Typical example is that of the sales person. He is doing his job right as you would respond after his 10th approach. However, sometimes he tries to reach to you while you are busy or in a bad mood. The new artificial intelligence algorithms knows you best and would tell him or her or it (if it is a chat pot) when it is the correct time and way to reach you.
  • A little child or a narcissist sees only their side of the problem and you ought to respond immediately regardless of anything else
  • A friend who wants to vent some pressure from his work or home
  • Street Ads or those inside your favorite TV show, YouTube channel or games 

Not to go far without this one, emergencies or authoritative directions:

  • When someone asks or screams  for a help
  • When you try to alert or rebuff someone, don't do, go or say
  • What do you think about the long high pitch car horn you give or receive while driving if you country allows it
  • A traffic police man asking you to park to the side or to take the next exit as road is closed

Is the forced communication working against us?

It depends on you perception. There is no absolute good or bad. It is all a reflection of what do you think about the situation. Let we chat around some of the above examples.
So, emergencies are emergency situations usually are of higher priority that needs an immediate action and most of the time we are trying to protect someone or something or someone is sincerely trying to do the same for us. Therefore, most of the time it is in our favor unless its source is doubtful.

The child who is trying to grasp our attention might need some assistance or needs some education about what to do or not to do. Same for the narcissist, he or she is training  your ability to say a clear bold  NO and accept its consequences.

When we were asked to pay attention is school or to answer a question,  maybe it wasn't in a joyful or respectful tone, but we can label it as a forced teaching to have a better tomorrow.

Regarding the loving and sympathetic social relations, it is a nice way of giving back. It is implanting compassion in our hearts. It is fruitful on the long term.

Bottom line, 
It is your choice how to classify and respond to those different forms of forced communications.
Your time and attention is your sole responsibility. Protect it as you wish but don't be overprotective that you lose loving hearts, miss opportunities  or face difficult situations while shielding them.
We are humans because we have the capacity to balance all our life situation and to direct it to where it serves us and those around us in the best possible way.

Let we see what our next chat will bring us.


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