When else we need to think twice and then say NO?

HI, in our previous chat we had explained what we need to think about the YES and the NO . Moreover, we talked about when we retract from saying an explicit NO. You can revert back to out chat here: Say No, Even without a voice or a gesture.

Today, we shall explore more on the NO. But this time we will talk about situation when we don't catch that a NO is needed. This usually happens when we are not fully aware of the situation we are in. This happens when:
  • We don't consider that this subject will affect us
  • We are in the autopilot mode
The later is the easier to explain so we shall start chatting about.

Do we have an autopilot mode?

Yes, And, it is very important to our safety and everyday life in many ways. Many of our reactions to an emergency situation are auto responses as when we press the car brakes, step aside, lower our head or quickly move our hand from a hot surface. If you think about any of these situations you can't really tell how this action was initiated and how did you respond that fast or in this complex way. However, you try to repeat the same steps consciously you never reach the perfectly timed auto response you produced in this situation.
Part of this stems from a fact that our subconscious mind sees and feels many things and process them even if we are not attentive to them or even in case of little babies without a real understanding of the situation. Based on this pre consciousness, our mind stores the information, triggers an action or triggers a thought stream. 
Today we need to focus on situations where we are in a scene but we don't listen or see  completely what is going on. A typical situation is when we keep TV running while we are doing something else as having dinner or chatting with someone, when we play a game on our mobile to distract our focus or when we listen to a podcast but actually after it ends we can't remember all what was said. 

What are our mind and consciousness doing behind the scene?

They are aware of everything we are not attentive to, they listen to the TV or the podcast while we are absent minded thinking of another subject or eating the dinner and stores all this as an information. Same happens with the street ads or when we are part of a conversation that we don't listen to fully. They take things more seriously than we are and stores all these information and perhaps sometimes generates a reaction out of that. Those are the reactions that we are not sure where they came from!!

Some mindfulness teachers says that we listen to what resonates to us and we drop what are not ready to listen to at this moment. Well, It seems fancy and acceptable but I don't accept it that much. I  am sure of the capabilities of my consciousness to detect any thing that exists in my environment and create  a relative response based on the programs inside it.
If you would like to understand this behavior, follow up with me. When you heard something that you don't approve of but, you showed no reaction even within you. This situation recorded an incident in your subconscious that it is OK to see, hear or feel that. When it is repeated again when you are subconscious, it will record it again as an OK After sometime, when once you are attentive to the screen, or the sound, you will feel weird that the world had changed that this situation is acceptable. NO, it is not the world, that changed it is your world that had changed. 
When You don't reject in a  bold and clear to something you hear or see on the web or any other media source that is not accepted to you, your believes will change with time.

So, What to do?

 Program yourself to be aware to the visual and audio information around you and filter it before it is being stored in your subconscious mind. Sometimes, your mind is busy thinking about something, regardless positive or negative or you are tired to focus while you play or watch the video or listen to the audio material. At this time, listen to something neutral as the music or even the silence.. Watch something you trust it is matching to your believes. May be look to a candle or at the sky. All these things won't cheat you and or try to slip some programs in your subconscious mind that serves them not you.
When you listened in a TV show, a podcast, or even an ad or read in a book about some ideas that you don't approve of as of our current state of awareness. It is OK just to acknowledge your stand towards them.
Maybe in a later stage you approve of those ideas as your consciousness develop. Then you may consciously approve some idea that you weren't accepting few years before, It is Ok, as long as this is done consciously. We should be clear to ourselves that those ideas exist around us but they don't represent us. And we say NO clearly in our minds to those concepts.

Really, are we all one?

Yes we are. What we accept to happen to other humans is deemed accepted -in our subconscious mind-  to happen for humans. As we are part of humanity, this may appear in our life in some form or the other. We need to understand that karma is not a typical one to one reaction. Karma is a reflection of feelings. So, whatever feelings we give or accept or allow to happen to other humans and in some believes to other living creatures, we shall encounter in our life. Not the same action or situation. But a situation that brings same feelings to us.

So be conscious when you accept to be part of or watch a prank happening to someone that may humiliates him/her. Reject the idea and confirm to your conscious you disapproval of the act and its consequences.

In Conclusion,  

No in the sense of disapproval or rejection of the idea, when expressed clearly to our selves and this is reflected to our actions in life, will lead to a happier and safer life. Stay Safe.


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