Why we live? Climbing up to the inside of life.

Human communication with one another is one of the prime movers in life. It is a vital step in collaboration towards the good in life. We can't live a good life outside of a worship sanctuary without community. Those gurus who spend long time alone on the Tibet mountains, return and join the world and share their wisdom.

Let us look how our communication together is expected to be,

Let us look at the simple example of our body. We can look to ourselves as the organs or as the cells whatever you like. Each of them is focusing and concentrating on his function and duties in the life of this body. Even if they don't communicate directly and in needless words but, they share the result of their work which is beneficiary to the whole body. The intestine extracts the useful nutrition from the digested food and transfers it in the blood stream. The intestine is not intentionally extracting this ingredients in favor of this friendly organ and stopping from extracting this nutrition because it doesn't like the other one. Neither do the intestines extracts the nutrition and store it for it self. It extracts the benefits of the digested food for the benefit of the whole. 

The mind has 2 levels of communication. One of them is an autonomous level that orchestrates the work of the organs and cells. Autonomous here is in the sense that our conscious mind is not contributing in the process. In other words, you can't consciously ask the intestine or the liver to do their work or to change its routine work. The autonomous mind can do this based on other conditions in the body or any external threat or stimuli. It can also do this due to its holistic view of the whole body. It can see any deficit in an organ and reflect appropriate reactions to the other organs. Each organ is working individually with his own memory and intelligence. The central directions and feedback are similar to those between the orchestra and maestro. The maestro when points to the cello (pronounced chillo) player is not telling the  cello player how to play the symphony note.

So, do we live all these years and those challenges to speak to each other?

Communication here is in the sense of collaboration between the body cells and organs. So we are here together to communicate your knowledge and your unique functions to other fellow humans and to the life in general. No matter what is your stage of life, you have something unique to share.

When you were a little child, you were sharing your freshness and spontaneity which is inspiring to the conscious humans who were in your vicinity not specially your parents. From the other point of view, you were stimulating their Kindness, tenderness, responsibility, commitment and their care giving.

Growing up you were sharing your fresh energy, energetic activities and spare time to the life and you were learning how to communicate it to those in need around you. Don't think that when you were playing a football match or singing with your friends at the beach you were just spending time or venting some energy. You were adding a life energy to the life and all those around you. Did you help an elder person with some of his needs? Did you spend time with a younger sibling or relative  showing him how to play a new game or some skate board tricks? All those were forms of communication in the right direction. 

Mature Collaboration,

Growing more to have a profession, a skill, a life wisdom  or even a job, you start communicating functions to life, in the same sense the cells and organs are collaborating to the existence of the body.

We shall start by what the community describes as jobs that need no special skills or previous experience. Examples of those jobs are the delivery jobs, the security guard and the librarian. Those jobs are performing vital jobs to the community. Look at the example of the delivery jobs. It ranges from the food delivery which saves a lot of effort and time, rescue some emergencies and give us a feeling of security towards finding something to eat at anytime. To the courier delivery that brings you a nice shoes purchased online as well as an important governmental document. Those functions explained here are vital for our life. They are vital not in the sense that it is a matter of life and death but, in the sense of their importance to the receiver of the function. But at the end of the day from the perceived job nature, it is a job that needs no special skills or previous experience.

A skill is a step on the way of profession. When you have some skills  that you enjoy or even are OK with doing it, you have the opportunity to grow this skill into a profession. The title Professional is related to the profession. So the professional football player, dancer or coder were having some skills and passion at one point of their life. Then they continued focusing on this skill with an intention to grow it. Unless the football junior player decides to join a football team and practice to grow his skill to a profession it will remain a skill within him.  If it remained confined within him, it  won't create the millions of cheers and the generosity of happiness that happens when he strikes the ball magically. This magic strike of the ball came after years from pursuing his skills but, he was happy all over the trip and the years.  

There are other professions that might not have a physical skill as the football playing but stems from the passion in the profession itself. The good example for this type of professions can be the engineering and medical fields. Both of those professions rely on the willing to exert effort along years of study and training. Then, practicing to expand the knowledge and grow the experience. Then reaching professionalism in one specific area  of those wide fields. Those who move on this path joyfully and ethically acts as the healing and renewing cells of our body as well as our society. Engineers build all the materialistic world we live in moreover, they develop its software programs where needed. What can happen if they decided to stop doing their job? A great part of our civilization and health well-being will decay till getting lost. Doing their job as it is intended to be done is their contribution to life. They are communicating their knowhow in the form of valuable products to the life.

In Conclusion, 

We are the cells and organs of the life. We are its orchestra players. We need to continue communicating our role to others parts of life.  Regardless of what you are doing it is needed and beneficial to life and its cells and organs who are sharing their functions with you even if you don't realize it. If we stop communicating our part of life. Life won't collapse but it will be missing our part whom nobody else can do. We'll continue climbing the life mountain to the  explore the wisdom communication. Stay Safe.


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