How are the communication filters programmed?

Filters in action.
In a previous post, we had seen together how our subconscious mind plays a vital role in sending and receiving messages from the surrounding environment and, being aware of these filters will give us the choice over the communication process whether verbal or visual ones.
We had come to an idea of how to tune our receptors by focusing our attention on happiness as an example and our subconscious will be set on a mission to point to it in every situation or point to its absence so we can be alerted. That's how the communication filters are programmed. But are we the sole programmer for our transmitters and receivers. Consciously YES, but are we living the moment 100% of our time that we are fully aware of any interaction with the surrounding environment? Probably if we are like 99% of human beings then there are some program lines that are passed to the software of our mind that serves to tune our thinking process in favor of someone else. That's why many structured bodies nowadays invest time and effort to master this art. So you are programmed and happy and turn to advocate or publicize this trend.

To answer the question "How are the communication filters programmed"?

Refresh your mind with the last time you gave attention to a little child or a baby while they are engaged with anything, their food, their pet, a passing person or unowned pet, their toys, seeing the sky, the flowers, name as much as you can imagine. They express their reaction without any filtration and receive the other side reaction in the same way. With time, these changes to be like the perception of their close community;
Photo by mali desha on Unsplash

  •  "be aware of the pets in the street" vs "be compassionate towards the pets in the streets" 
  • "smell the flower without touching it" vs "pick the flower and take it home" 
  • what about: "smile to everyone" vs he frowns to someone as he had seen his mother doing this,
  • And, the big one,  "grown-ups don't do this and that", and so on.
This set up for our reactions and what to do or not to do is usually done in one of two ways depending on the source and the initiative behind it.

The two ways we are programmed:

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash
  • In a long smooth basic way of repetition, That's how loving mothers or caregivers implant habits in newly borns or young children. These habits tend to be in favor of the child but in-depth it carries some or many benefits to the close community which is the parents for a long period. In exactly the same manner our perception filters as adults are programmed to accept, reject, ignore or even totally drop anything else than the frequency to which this filter is tuned. The most simple form of these filters can be noticed in how we perceive certain car models and consequently their owners without knowing them due to the ads that give a certain character to the owner of such a car or the one who drinks this brand of coffee in a long term repeated manner. The ads implanted filters are so deep that they add a filter to how we see ourselves based on our materialistic accomplishments.
  • In a quick way through a rush of emotions, that's when we are exposed to a situation that either made our fear or our happiness rocket a sky-high. Such a subconscious program is engraved in all the cells of our bodies that it needs real committed efforts to change it. Some simple examples are when someone was in the midst of an accident or an about to occur accident and he came out of it 100% untouched. Being in the same scenery will ignite the same feelings again even if we are totally safe. The same happens for small children if a pet approaches them with a loud voice or a sudden sharp movement that disrupted their natural feel of safety. This animal will be blacklisted in their minds and its sound will ignite fear even after 30 or 40 years. What about feast's eve when you are used to receiving your long wanted gift. What this eve will bring to you when it approaches regardless of how old are you.

In Summary:

Being aware that many ideas and beliefs entered our minds without permission, allow us to ask: DO this reaction, action or thought really represent me? Let us continue in the coming post.


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