
Beyond the prison of words

 Words are very important part of our lives. However Communication is not only words. There a lot of energy messages, gestures, eye contacts, telepathy and many more exchanged between human , livings other than humans and even, non livings. Words gained their power from being the explicit expression of who we are and what we believe. Moreover, in this time dimension we are held accountable for the words we say. Words carry energy. They carry the energy of the sender. This energy might be loving and caring or envying and hating. The words are delivered enveloped in the sender's energy. History says that "Speak that I can see you" was first said by Socrates. It is a wise quote because expressing your thoughts in words is like drawing an image for you that I can see it. If you try to deliver a false image, you may deceive some people for some time but not everyone for all the time. A word that carry a paragraph of meanings Most spiritual practices all over the globe starts w...

Why my body messages are painful?

 A short answer: What takes you attention? Being full of energy or Being drained and tired to death? If you feel energetic, you continue running and you don't stop to relate to the conditions that made you happy, light and energetic. If you feel tired and you feel difficulty to reach up with some of your daily routines or what you do, just then you stop to ask yourself:  What is the matter with me? What could be the reason?  Am I ill? Is it my Throat or my Stomach?  Did I get enough sleep? May be this cold breeze of yesterday caused it? If you are at a higher step of consciousness, awareness or a spiritual journey, you will ask a little bit different questions: Why I am feeling low vibes? What changed my mood? What drained my energy? Or even better:  Am I resisting something yet to come or escaping from it?  What emotions came to me before starting to feel tired or drained? Were there some news that I didn't accept? Important Note about levels of awareness ...

What tone is your internal dialogue?

 Do you notice that how do you speak with your partner differs from how you speak to your boss? If you didn't notice till now or if you tried to think about it but you find you speak the same way, then either you are with the wrong partner or the wrong boss. Anyhow, that's not what we are going to chat about today. We shall try to understand the way we speak to ourselves. Why? Because the tone of your internal dialogue is reflected back to your life. How? What you say to yourself is how you really see yourself. This image of you attracts equal and complement energy bodies in your timeline. How do I attract 2 opposite things: equal and complement? It is easy. Universe offers you what you want, that are the things that have equal vibes to yours. You can read more about it here:  Events in Our Environment, are they haphazard?  On the other hand, we are attracted to those who are having some traits that we think we miss in ourselves. So, if you are an introvert and you don't ...

المنهج الواحد أم تعدد الخيارات..؟!!!

هل انت مع ؟؟   ابيض و اسود..   أم   ملايييين الدرجات من كل لون(احمر /ازرق/اصفر..)  ما اريكم إلا ما أرى و ما اهديكم إلا سواء السبيل..  أم  امرهم شورى بينهم..  العلاج بالطب الدوائى الكيميائي..  أم العلاج بالطب الهندى /الصينى /التكميلى /البديل /الأعشاب /النبوى /الريكى /البراك هلينج /....  كرة القدم (كونها الرياضة الأكثر شعبية)..  أم انواع الرياضات الجماعية /الفردية /القتالية /العاب قوى /كمال أجسام /سباحة / يوجا / تشى كونج....  المطبخ التقليدى لموطنك..   أم  المطابخ المتعددة حول العالم (هندى /صينى /شرق اوسطى /مكسيكى /.....)  و هكذا فى كل جوانب حياتنا..  لو لاحظت و تأملت  تجد انه على مدار سنين عمرنا تبرمجنا على المنهج الواحد..  كيف...؟ ؟ تولد فى مجتمعك تتبرمج على عاداته و تقاليده (إلى جانب الانتماءات الدينية /العرقية /القبلية /او حتى العنصرية)..  واذا فكرت ان تغير او تطور فيها تتعرض للاستنكار او  للتنمر او النبذ او الهجر او التعنيف او... او... و هذا ما وجدنا عليه اباءما و انا عل...

Jump to the right pendulum for you

 We had learned together that we hide our true self because we are afraid of being vulnerable. We are afraid that we do not match the social standards of health, wealth, beauty and many other frames that the society bounded us in. Read more about it here : Tear OFF your hiding mask. Moreover, we push our loved ones inside these frames. My baby started walking or talking at an early age. My child is the top of his class in needless education. My partner is the most romantic, powerful, caring, beautiful and so on. The strange part is that we try to match ourselves to all the society norms even the negative parts of it. We turn grayed hair at a  certain age and we start speaking about the age related illnesses and amount of pills we take daily. The positive norms that help us like meditating, fitness exercises, and reading are selected by some people also as a way to gain the society acceptance by being within the norm.  We need to be ourselves. But we need to be conscious i...

Tear off your hiding mask

In order to communicate effectively let the real you communicate. That's the conclusion and the takeaway from this chat. I would now simply say stay safe and see you in a coming chat but, I thought that may be the message is not well received if it is not backed up with examples, explanations and opposite point of view. So why we need to tear off our hiding mask?do we have a hiding mask? And how to find it? We had been chatting for a long time about the communication and its importance. This chat will focus one one aspect of the communication which is speaking from our true self.  When do you feel that you need a hiding mask? Social conditioning had shaped our perception about the others. Those perception are the exact ones that we try to fulfill or hide. Failing to fulfill any of these expectations or falling in one of these pitfalls brings shame into our feeling. The social conditioning through family, close friends, school, work and community had programmed us to judge others as...

هل وصلت لقمة الهرم؟!

هل وصلت لقمة الهرم؟؟! لعلك تتساءل اية قمة و اى هرم.!!! لا تنزعج او تشعر بالفزع او الاحباط او التقصير.... فوصولك للقمة التى اعنيها لا تعنى بالضرورة الفوز او حصولك على الجائزة....!! إنما اعنى قمة هرم ماسلو... اى وصولك للاكتفاء او الإمتلاء الذاتى... دعنى آخذك فى رحلة تستكشف فيها أين موقعك من هرم ماسلو و انوى معى ان تصعد وتتدرج و حتما  ستصل فى يوما ما إلى القمة.. هرم ماسلو...  أو نظرية الاولويات الإنسانية لماسلو...  أو هرم الاحتياجات الانسانية...  هي نظرية سيكولوجية اقترحها أبراهام ماسلو في ورقة  بحثية  نشرها في 1943 بعنوان : "نظرية في التحفيز الإنساني"    تتحدث هذه الفرضية/ النظريّة عن  سلّم أولويّات الإنسان  المختلفة....  مؤكدة بأنّ هناك العديد من  الحاجات التي يسعى الانسان  لإشباعها من خلال قيامه بالعديد  من  الأفعال والتصرّفات  للوصول إليها.....  كما تنص على أنّ الحاجات  غير المشبعة تسبب إحباطاً وتوتراً  وآلاماً نفسيّةً حادةً.....  سآخذك هنا في هذه ال...